Author: My Gut

biohacks for sleep and the results of sleep deprivation

Sleep and eating habits

Biohacks for sleep and the facts if you don’t Ask any doctor or health specialist and they will tell you sleep is likely to be the most important thing you can do to improve...

biohacking toolbox for health and fitness

Biohacking nutrition and health series

A tips and technique ‘toolbox’ for optimising nutrition and health Biohacking has become a popular term and is used to describe a wide range of techniques to improve our health or fitness. You will...

photons escaping from the sun

Science unravelling nutrition and diets

How is nutritional science being reported? You have to draw some conclusions when trawling through nutritional based research, patterns do appear amongst the chaos of conflicting information. At any one time, there is only...

bowl of pottage

Simple Pottage recipe

Recipe for a healthy gut microbiome What is Pottage and a short history Pottage is literally medieval, consisting of thick soup or stew made by boiling vegetables and grains. It has its heritage across...

The zoo in our guts (Your microbiome)

What is the microbiome? What is this zoo I hear you cry? It’s the 10’s of trillions of extra cells predominantly living in the full length of your intestine. Weighing up to 2kg or...

table of vegetables

What is the best diet?

And why everyone is arguing about whose diet is the best! So I’ve said in a previous post ‘nutritional obsession‘, that I had completed the yo-yo cycle of dieting many times over the years. At...